Wednesday 21 October 2015


  • An algorithm is a Characteristics of an algorithm
    • Well defined set of steps for solving a problem.
    • Logical concise list of procedures for solving a problem
    • Complete unambiguous finite number of logical steps for solving any problem on the computer

  • Characteristics of an algorithm 

    • Precision  -  the steps are precisely defined.
    • Uniqueness - results of each step are uniquely defined and only depend on the input and the result of the preceding steps.
    • Finiteness - the algorithm stops after a finite number of instructions are executed.
    • Input - the algorithm receives input.
    • Output - the algorithm produces output.
    • Generality - the algorithm applies to a set of inputs.

  • Advantages of an algorithm

    • Reduced complexity. 
    • Increased flexibility. 
    • Ease of understanding

  • Disadvantages of an algorithm

    • Multiple function calls are expensive.
    • Inefficient when there is lots of branching from one state.
    • Requires large amount of space as the each function state needs to be stored on system stack.

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