Friday 30 October 2015


  • Designing and solving a programming problem using sequence, selection and iteration control instructions are called as structured programming
  • It employs a top-down design model, in which the program is divided into modules 

Principles of Structured Programming

  • At all times and under all circumstances, the programmer must keep the program within his intellectual grasp 
  • The well known methods for achieving this : 
    • Top-down design and construction 
    • Limited control structures 
    • Limited scope of data structures 
  • Major elements of structured programming 
    • Sequence control structure 
    • Selection control structure 
    • Iteration control structure 

Rules of Structured Programming

  • Code no more than one statement per line. 
  • Divide programs into functions. 
  • Functions should perform only one task. 
  • Variable names should be meaningful. 
  • Use of global variables should be avoided. 
  • All variables should be explicitly declared and given an initial value. 
  • Hierarchical data structures should be used to keep the data and program structured. 
  • Each function must have an initial comment 
  • Compound conditional statements should be limited to avoid confusion. 
  • Indentation should be consistent. 
  • When used in functions, the use of { and } should be on their own lines to demark blocks of code. 
  • Upper case should be used for defined static constants. 
  • For all keywords and variables, use lower case. 

Advantages of Structured Programming

  • Easy to write 
  • Easy to debug 
  • Easy to understand 
  • Easy to change

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