Thursday 17 December 2015


  • UNIX OS development was started in the year 1969 at the AT & T Bell Laboratory.
  • Some of the team members were were withdrawn from the MULTICS Project  and started working on the UNIX OS.
  • Thompson and Dennis Richie designed and developed a simple multi tasking OS supporting two users.
  • It had an elegant file system, command interpreter and a set of utilities.
  • One of the members named Brian suggested the name UNICS in the year 1970s.


  • Berkley has worked on the UNIX OS that was developed by the AT & T Laboratory and created his own UNIX OS named, BSD UNIX.
  • A student called Bill Joy defined a standard editor of the UNIX system, called as VI Editor that used C Shell.
  • It has:
  1. better file management
  2. more versatile main features
  3. better method for linking files

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