Thursday 17 December 2015


Nov 1983 : 

Microsoft announced MICROSOFT WINDOWS , an extension of MS DOS Operating System that would provide a graphical operating environment for PC users

Nov 1985 : 

Windows 1.0 was released.It has easy to use graphical user interface, device independent graphics and multi tasking supportIt includes, MS DOS executive,  Clock, Calendar, Notepad, Terminal, Calculator, Control Panel, Program Information File (PIF), Editor, Print Spooler, Clip board, RAM drive, Windows Write, Windows PaintMicrosoft called it as a new software environment for developing and running applications that use bitmap displays and mouse pointing devices.With this, the GUI era begun

July 1993 : 

Windows NT ( formerly, Windows New Technology) as releasedIt was a new milestone of the companyWindows NT was the 1st Microsoft Operating System to combine support for high end client/server business applications with the industry's leading personal productivity applications

1995 : 

Windows 95 was released

1998 : 

Windows 98 was releasd

Feb 2000: 

Windows 2000 professional, upgraded from Windows NT 4.0, was releasedIt made hardware installations easier than the NT4.0 by adding support for a wide variety of plug and play hardware, incuding advanced network and wireless products, USB devices, etc.

Aug 2001 : 

WindowsXP was released.

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